martes, 4 de octubre de 2016

WORK, work, work...


Hard working

Today is a very heavy day, I have to do a lot of things. First I have to do all the homework, and is a lot. Next I have to do the housework, because I like helping my mother. Some times I take a break, but today I can't, I am preparing my brain for a english quiz, I'm really tired, I also have to go at the preparatory because I have to resolve some problems there. Well, my life is hard and I have to do it, if I want to get good grates. So, I´m doing this homework right now, and I'm very happy because I have a moment to write about me. Omg!, I forgot it, I have to buy a spanish book in Irapuato's center, it is too late, I have to run, see you my confident.


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