martes, 11 de octubre de 2016



Let´s talk about...


*Sunday: (day of the Sun), It comes by the goddess Sunna

*Monday: (day of the Moon). It comes by the goddess Mani

*Tuesday: (day of the Tiw). It comes by the roman god of the war Mars

*Wednesday: (day of the Woden). It comes by the god Odin

*Thursday: (day of Thor). It comes by the god Jupiter

*Friday: (day of the Frig). It comes by the goddess Venus, in greece

*Saturday: (day of the saturn). It comes by the god Saturn


*January: In honor to Janos, roman god of the starting

*February: Named like after the roman festival of purification

*March: In honor to Mars, god of war

*April: Derived from latin aperire, referring to the spring, when the flowers open their petals

*May: Maia, roman goddess of fertility

*June: Roman goddess of fertility, Juno

*July: In honor to Julio Cesar, emperor of Rome

*August: In honor to Augusto Cesar

*September: Derived from latin "septem" = seven, in the Rome calendar

*October: Derived from latin "octo" = eight, in the Rome calendar

*November: Derived from latin "novem" = nine, in the Rome calendar

*December: Derived from latin "decem" = ten, in the Rome calendar

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